Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Cat Show

This Saturday night Mighty Fine Arts Gallery presents "The Cat Show", an exhibition with part of the proceeds of sales going to spay, neuter, vaccinate and feed feral cats in the Tyler Street neighborhood of Dallas, TX, home to the gallery.

My contribution is a painting, "Backlit Cat", based on a photo I took of our cat, Scout, in front of an unfortunately in-need-of-a-cleaning window. Below is the painting, below that is the source photo.

Psychedelic punk band Inferno Texino is playing a set at the show.

Christina Rees and Bill Davenport, critics for Glasstire, an online Texas art magazine, discuss the show as one of their "Top Five" events of the week. "Backlit Cat" shows up at 3:12, if you're keeping time.

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