Friday, January 25, 2013


Brian Scott, "Rape-O-Texas", acrylic on black velvet, 24 by 24 inches.

Brian Jones, "Little Hopeful Girl", watercolor on paper, 6 by 5 inches.

Brian Scott, "Momento Mori", relief print, 6 by 8 inches.

My friends and Oak Cliff neighbors Brian Jones and Brian Scott are receiving the annual Masterminds art award from the Dallas Observer this Saturday night. Collaborating as "Chuck and George" their work is challenging and fun, with an affectionate and celebratory focus on the more carnivalesque side of life. Their use of different media gives the same variety to the physicality of the work as to its subject matter. We're happy to have three of the pieces pictured above in our collection.

The story of their award can be read here, and their work can be seen here.

Congratulations to the Chuck and George, aka the Brians!

Friday, January 4, 2013

First post, first work

I'm scheduled to have a show at Norwood Flynn Gallery in September. Here are a couple of paintings I've completed so far.

"Wasps", acrylic on panel, 6 by 6 inches.

"A Hummingbird", acrylic on panel, 8 by 8 inches.