Friday, February 26, 2010

Mystery Project - Part Three

More woefully bad photos of the painting in progress, with more details:

The background is still dark, but since I paint from dark to light it won't stay that way.
This is really occupying my time, so I haven't had the chance to post (or work on) anything else. I'm hoping to wrap it up pretty soon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mystery Project - Part Two

Sorry about the glare on these photos, I took them with my unsophisticated digital camera.
I've taken the original sketch, posted in the first installment of this project, and enlarged it to 36 by 60 inches. Here it's in position and ready to transfer to the canvas.

And here the image is transferred to the canvas using white pastel as the transfer medium.

I'm starting the paint the different elements. I paint from dark to light, using opaque acrylics, and from the front to the back. The foreground images are painted first. The background is dark, but it won't stay that way, eventually it will be made up of sky, clouds, ground, etc.

Here are a couple of image details. Again, the background is dark for now, but that will change.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bill Ross

Photograph of Bill Ross by Willie Baronet.

I learned this weekend that Nashville artist Bill Ross ended his life last week. I knew Bill from his time in Dallas in the early 1980s, but I had lost contact since his move to Tennessee. We reconnected through the miracle of Facebook last year. There was no clue in his posts there that such a deep despair was affecting him in such a profound way. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Bill brought freshness and wit to the classic cartoon style. He was very generous in his comments on this blog and elsewhere. I hope his close friends and family can find some peace and understanding in such a sad and tragic situation.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mystery Project - Part One

It's a mystery because it's not fair to the client to reveal their identity or the nature of the project until it's done. But I can post progress reports as it continues. This is the sketch for the project, and now that it has been approved I will continue on to the painting.

Updates to come as they seem appropriate.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy birthday, dear blog...

Today it has been one year since I began this blog. I have no choice but to post an insufferably cute kitty video celebrating the occasion.